Tuesday, 6 August 2013

It's hot

We're being crap at updating but the heat has turned us into sloths and we have no energy to do anything. Our walking pace is about 5 times slower than it is back in England - it took us an hour to walk around tescos when all we were buying was milk and bread

I was happily having my morning dump a few minutes ago when Ali appeared behind me (the toilets here have bars for windows). He then covered me in water and poked me with a bamboo cane. I don't know if any of you have tried to poo with your mate behind you but it kinda kills the mood.

Ali is currently very hungover. The last I saw of him last night he was sort of walking, but in a way that required neither foot to be lifted off the ground and he was mumbling stuff that didnt make a whole lot of sense. There's a girl here who has been nicknamed Sasquatch (I think that tells you everything you need to know) and I've made it my personal mission to make her and Ali happen. I may or may not have started numerous rumours to stoke the fire so let's hope this works.

It's hot again today. I'm currently dripping sweat in to my cereal. Yay

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